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Prominent Cloud Solutions Offered By Amazon Web Services
Amazon Web Services is one of the most prominent cloud computing platforms that deliver on demand cloud services. Users can benefit from a wide range of services offered by AWS like Cloud storage, Data Center Management, Analytics and other services from Amazon,. AWS CLI is another powerful tool that allows developers and DevOps teams to manage multiple AWS services
The AWS Free Tier allows users to gain first-hand experience of AWS services for free and is a possible way to use AWS services for potential customers who cannot afford the cost. Users can access over 60 products, build on the AWS platform and access a wide range of services, including cloud storage, cloud computing, data center management, analytics and more. You can know more in-depth about the diverse cloud services offered by AWS with our AWS Training In Hyderabad program.
Prominent Cloud Services By AWS:
- AWS Command Line Interface
The AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) is a unified tool for managing AWS services and is commonly used by DevOps software engineers and developers. IT design and management, making it easy for you to get to AWS and the services Amazon offers. Some of the most popular cloud services offered by Amazon Web Services include Amazon EC2, Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC3) and Amazon S3 and more.
This forms the basis for serverless solutions with AWS and can also be integrated with many other AWS services. This allows microservices used on Amazon EKS, Amazon eCS and Fargate to be detected and connected to any AWS service registered on the AWS Cloud Map.
- AWS APP Mesh
App Mesh can be used with Kubernetes on Amazon EKS to better operate container-based microservices on a scale. You can use App Mesh to run your Microsoft service on AWS with Amazon HealthLake while running your application in Amazon EC2. AppMesh can also be used with Amazon eCS and Fargate as well as on the AWS Cloud Map to operate containers and containers as – a – Service (CaaS) services on KubersnetES on Amazon EC1 and AWS EC3.
- AWS CloudTrail
AWS customers can use AWS CloudTrail to monitor the health of resources and applications and to store user activities and API calls for audits. Cloudtrail also manages AWS service performance, such as the number of features and availability of resources and services.
Get certified in AWS in real-time with AWS Course In Hyderabad program by Kelly Technologies