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How Amazon Alerts Its Customers Whenever They’re Overpaying?
Amazon Web Services is a pioneer cloud computing platform that is established by E-Commerce giant the Amazon Web Company in the year 2006. AWS is best trsuted for its highly scalable, secured & cost effectve cloud soulutons that tend to attend to all types of enterprises needs.
One of the innovative features of AWS is that it alerts its customers whenever they are about to overpay for the services which they haven’t used. This smart feature by AWS would be surely be of a great help for the individual users & also for the small scale startup companies that are rely on different cloud solutions. This feature is surely set to help the AWS to overpower its competitors like Google & Microsoft.
Grasp clear cut knowledge of the different services offered by AWS by being part of our advanced cloud based career program of AWS Training In Hyderabad.
Now let’s understand how this feature of AWS comes into the play.
Here’s The Actual Problem:
One of the major problems for the enterprises is that whenever they install a bunch of virtual machines which they don’t use regularly, they need to deal with issues like unnecessary security risks & effective management. Similarly, if enterprises start using multiple cloud based services & if any of the services doesn’t get used on a full scale, then it would simply result in occurrence of huge loss.
How AWS Addresses This Problem?
AWS has come up with an innovative feature that alerts its customers whenever they are paying full charges for any service that had a low utilization. This will help them to deactivate the cloud servers that aren’t being under used & this ensures that the company would be saved from overpaying for the service what they haven’t used.
Every year, AWS comes up with several new features. According to the stats in 2017, AWS has launched more that 1,600 new features & this count is increasing with each passing year
As AWS is rapidly emerging as a dominant leader in the technology of cloud, work towards building your career in this platform by being a part of Kelly Technologies advanced AWS training program.