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Advanced Data Mining Tools To Watch Out In 2020
Big Data has nowadays become the major concern around the world. The enormous rise in the usage of data over the last few years has made it difficult to efficiently manage this data. In order to efficiently the Big Data & to extract the insights from it requires extensive use of analytics tools & techniques. Data Mining is one among the key steps involved in this process.
Introduction To Data Mining-
Data Mining is also known as Knowledge discovery, data/pattern analysis, information harvesting, and such other names. Data Mining is defined as the process of extracting the data from various sources in order to extract & analyze valuable insights and to uncover potentially useful patterns.
Simply Data Mining is all about extracting hidden insights & discovering unknown co-relations amongst the data. To be precise in its functioning, Data Mining makes use of advanced techniques involving Machine Learning, Statistics, AI and database technology.
How Data Mining Is Helpful?
By accurately analyzing the insights that are extracted from the data via Data Mining is now playing a crucial role in marketing, fraud detection, and scientific discovery. It also helps the enterprises in making strategic decisions. Also, Data Mining is the most cost effective process compared to other statistical data applications.
Now, let’s have a look at the list of the most widely used tools for Data Mining
- Rapid Miner
It is among the most widely used data mining tool which is developed by the Rapid Miner Company. It is written using java language. Most of the analytics experts find this tool to be very comfortable in performing predictive analysis, business application, education and research, commercial applications, etc
Rapid Miner Studio, Rapid Miner Server, and Rapid Miner Radoop are the three different types of modules in Rapid Miner
- Orange
Being open-source in nature, Orange has gained a lot of popularity towards analyzing data and in applying machine learning functions. It is written in Python language which makes it easy to operate.
- Weka
This is also an open-source software which is very efficient for predictive modeling and to analyze Big Data. It comes with GUI interface & so users will find it easy to operate & execute its functions. By using weka, users can perform any type of operation by simply firing a query. It stores data in a flat-file format.
- Teradata
Teradata is a popular data mining tool in the analytics community. This software is very handy for the operations involving business analytics. By using teradata it will be easy to gain information about data like the available product, number of products sold, inventory, etc.
Knowledge of Data Mining & its tools is very crucial for Data Scientists. Mast the concepts involving Data Mining to the core along with hands-on knowledge of most widely used Data Mining tools by simply being a part of Kelly Technologies Data Science Training In Hyderabad. In this program,you will be working on real-time projects that will help you gain clear insights handling real-world industry challenges. Become an all-round Data Scientist with the help of our advanced Data Science training program.