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6 Essential Steps That Contribute To Success in DevOps
Science the beginning of DevOps it has become a major topic for discussion across the IT & corporate domains. Some viewed it as a marketing fad where as some were of the opinion that DevOps would surely be revolutionizing operations across the IT & corporate domains. And over the years DevOps has been quite successful in proving out to be a major asset in the development process of any enterprise across the IT, Corporate & banking domains.
The success of DevOps is quite evident from its evolution from merely being a methodology to bring developers and operations teams together at the beginning into a whole new culture that can transform an entire business into a single operational entity.
In this blog let’s know in-detail about the essential steps that contribute to success in DevOps.
Prepare For A Cultural Shift-
DevOps has evolved over the years & now it integrates people, processes and tools together to transform an organization into a single entity. This is more like brining a cultural shift in the organization which has now become the backbone of DevOps. However, brining about cultural shift is one among the most complex & challenging task for any enterprise. We should keep in mind that introducing new policies and procedures, while perhaps initially successful but during the long run there is a higher probability for them to backfire which is due to the inability to bring shift in the underlying organizational culture.
Create A Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery Platform-
The next step is to deliver the focus towards Development & Operation teams & to provide them with accurate, up-to-date information about the production environment. This process will ensure that developers can set their focus on a coordinated “build and run. The DevOps team will be playing an active role throughout the development & production lifecycle, from requirements through to planning, deployment and maintenance & product delivery.
Enabling Continuous Environment For Testing-
In the DevOps lifecycle testing is also an integral part of it where the testing process either manual or automated is enabled to work continuously throughout the delivery pipeline.
Enabling Continuous Deployment System-
With Continuous deployment it can be possible to make continuous delivery. Each build that successfully passes a full test cycle is automatically deployed. With continuous deployment it becomes possible to eliminate human intervention in the deployment process to decide what to deploy and when to deploy. This makes it easy to deliver new features and updates while proactively making changes to the product.
The other two steps that play a key role in contributing to success in DevOps are
- Making use of blue/green deployment
- Continuously monitoring the performance
Interested to learn more of such aspects in DevOps? If so, simply be a part of our Kelly Technologies leading DevOps learning program of DevOps Training In Hyderabad.